There are several reasons shy a credit card may be declined. Below are a few scenarios.
If after you review the above information and you experience issues with your order, please email us at and we can look into the matter.
- The billing address, and zip code entered do not match the address on file with your credit card company or bank. Double check that the information you’ve entered is correct. If you’ve recently moved you may need to contact your bank/credit card company and have them update the address associated with the credit card.
- You are ordering from outside the United States.We currently are only able to process transactions within the United States,using US issued credit cards. Please contact if you are outside the US and would like to request a shipping quote. We can most likely still process your order via a paypal invoice.
- Some credit cards are limited to a certain spending limit within a given period of time for various reasons. One being that debit cards have a daily limit to prevent fraudulent charges draining a checking account of all its funds.
- Your bank or credit card company does not support Address Verification Service. For the safety of our customers and to protect against credit card fraud, we use AVS to determine that the cardholder is the valid card owner.
- The credit card security code (CVV) entered does not match the code on the card.
If after you review the above information and you experience issues with your order, please email us at and we can look into the matter.